I spilled hot chocolate all over my laptop once and somehow the keyboard kept it from reaching the motherboard until I could clean it. I was super lucky with that incident, it would've sucked to have to buy a new one after barely a year.
Have you played it much? I keep hearing bad things about it being over-hyped, the PS4->PC port is terrible, etc.
Regardless I only ever buy games during Steam Sales, don't have enough money coming in to afford full-price games on release no matter how much I want them. Except for maybe Skyrim SE in October, it's only $30 for the whole pack.
I feel as if almost all games that come out now in days are over hyped. I have about 35 hours into the game and I am really enjoying it. When possible I want to switch over to PC. I enjoy the space, exploring, gathering, crafting type games a lot.
No Man's Sky was always going to be "overhyped" because wannabe fanboys imagined that it was going to be more than the actual developers said it would be. I would've been perfectly happy with just flying around.
My PC might just be a weeeee bit underpowered for NMS, so I'm gonna wait until I either get a new one or until the inevitable XBox release.
If I wasn't a gamer and required ram for what I do with my computer. I wouldn't have a powerful enough one. I have 16 gbs of ram right now, I need to up it to 32 since I am doing horrible things with VMs.